Pack Physics


Quantum Physics and Proton Pack Operations

**A simple technical outline of the operations of proton packs, based upon theories of quantum physics and subatomic magnetism**

Based on a even more complex paper written by Dr. Egon Spengler and Dr. Raymond Stantz.

The proton pack, a seemingly complex device, used by our company to assist in the entrapment of ectoplasmic manifestations. Regardless of the apparent technicality of the packs and their operations in the field, we shall attempt to outline the theoretical foundations of the quantum mechanics of the proton pack, offering a simple (in laymen’s terms) explanation of how they, for all intensive purposes, work in the containment of ghosts.

To understand the operations of a proton pack, one must first understand the basics of quantum physics and the composition of all universal mass. All materials in the universe are composed of atomic particles, (atoms) with each atom consisting of three individual subatomic particles: protons, (positively-charged) neutrons, (neutrally-charged) and electrons (negatively-charged). All mass thereby, has a “charge;” although polarity differs from mass to mass, all materials in the universe are formed by the congregation of innumerable atoms. Together forming a material structure.

As one will note, indeed, all atomic particles are charged; i.e., the polarity of subatomic particles works in much the same way as a magnet does on a refrigerator: positive and negative charges are attracted, while like charged (+,+) are repelled.  It is upon this foundation of subatomic polarity and magnetism that the operations of proton packs are based.

  • Cylindrical Booster – Charged energy coils; source of power for particle acceleration.
  • Power Cell – Power cell indicator lights; visual representation of power supplied by booster and accentuator.
  • Injectors – Transferrence point of power between booster/accentuators, ion arm, and cyclotron.
  • Cyclotron – Location/source of particle acceleration; alternating magenetic field particle guideance system.
  • N-Filter – Electromagnetic particle filter; guides proton stream through neutrona wand.
  • Crank Generator – Manual adjustment of minute power levels in booster/accentuators.
  • Accentuators – Storage and alignment of energy levels of booster.
  • Source of subatomic deconstruction – “Atom-Smashing”
  • Electromagnetic channel – Feeds subatomic particles (post-acceleration/deconstruction) to N-Filter.
  • Gearbox – Location tf internal mechs.
  • Ion Arm – Source of charged particles for particle acceleration.

As the pack is initially powered, the booster (location of energy coils) begins to provide heavily-charged power to the system; accentuators just below the booster cylinder provide amplification and alignment of power for use in particle collision (within cyclotron).  As the pack is readied for operation, (via a switch located on the neutrona wand) the process of particle acceleration begins; charged particles originating in the ion arm (ion: pre-charged particle) are thusly fed via booster/accentuator power into the particle accelerator.

  1. As particles are fed into the cyclotron, they are guided (via alternating magnetic currents) in tight circular patterns, increasing particle speed exponentially. At the point of ideal speed, atomic deconstruction occurs; this process commonly referred to as “atom-smashing” breaks the atom into its individual parts. (protons, neutrons, electrons) As the newly-deconstructed subatomic particles are guided through an electromagnetic channel to the neutrona hose and wand, the N-filter acts as a subatomic particle filter, allowing removal and deposition of negatively-charged electrons and neutrally charged neutrons (eliminating unnecessary elements from possible ejection from proton gun).  As the neutrona wand is fired, the stream of positively-charged protons is released from the wand tip.
  2. As the stream (proton stream) is released from the neutrona wand, the positively-charged subatomic particles are immediately drawn to the negatively-charged ectoplasmic occurrence; (negatively-charged, electron-based ectoplasmic form) thus the proton stream in effect. The stream “lassos” the entity (by use of subatomic magnetism) until such time as containment within a foot pedal trap may occur. 2.
  3.  The two necessary separate pack powering instances (booster power vs particle acceleration) explains the two “powering-up” of packs from our blockbuster movie, Ghostbusters ;(elevator vs ballroom) the “switch me on” line refers to the powering of booster coils, while the powering of neutrona wands is the start of the particle acceleration process.
  4. All ectoplasmic formations are negatively-charged; thus the principles of subatomic magnetic theory apply to such entities.

3 thoughts on “Pack Physics

  1. Um…I suppose you know what you’re talking about…it’s all a bit beyond me.

    I will add one caveat: I always took the “pack on/wand on” thing as a safety measure–the two are “separate” in that one has to be activated regardless of whether or not the pack is on.

    Our lives would be so much easier had the evolving screenplay stuck to the explanation of “bolts of static electricity,” because that’s a bit easier to rationalize. Pack generates electricity in sufficiently large quantities; wand discharges electricity, and it’s nuclear because that’s the easiest way to create a constant flow of power in the amount needed.

    1. The article was written by a ghosthead and a former GBI franchise owner. Who was also an employee/staff member for the company/site. When he wasn’t on a call, he was a highly educated person who was a teacher.

      Mostly because of my own personal ongoings at least 5 years ago we lost touch, by then his franchise site seemed to have gone defunct as well. Hopefully he’s doing alright and if he sees this will get in touch.

  2. I can agree with what you’re saying, while of course I studied equipment operations, when it comes to understanding “proton pack science” I refer to Dr. Peter Venkman PhD best selling book, “Proton Packs For Dummies.” 😀 Which I suspect was ghost written (how appropriate) with MAJOR assistance from Dr. Ray Stantz.

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